Friday, March 10, 2017

Finally Day 5...3.10.17

I'll be lying if I said I wasn't excited about today.  Last night I went to bed hungry and all I dreamt about was chocolates.  I'm not sure why chocolate and not food but it was an all night-er.  I woke up this mornig extremely happy just knowing I could eat food, by food I mean my soup.  How can somebody be so excited about soup???  When you've been deprived of food for a few days any and everything can make you excited.

Because my New Year's resolution is no black tea or coffee until after March I decided to go with a nice hot cup of coco, with 1 tsp of coconut oil and of course cream & sugar.  Let me back up just a sec though.  I've been putting coconut oil in my coffee or tea for year now, I had read up on it and found that it was beneficial for reducing or preventing Alzheimer and a good way to boost the immune system preventing colds.  I've been taking coconut oil since 2014 and only had a cold once.  That was when I came off of coconut oil for six months because of my diet.  I came down with a horrible cold that lasted for 10 full days.  I now try to always make sure I slip my coconut oil in something, soup, tea, oatmeal, doesn't matter, so long as it's a tsp.

Now that I'm doing this lemonade diet I always try to remember to get in from Friday - Sunday.  Once or twice I slipped it in during the diet because I was weary of persons coming into the office with a cold...but so far I've been okay.  I have some information posted on my other blog here if you need to read more.

Oops, so sorry for straying, but anyways I was excited to step on the scale this morning to see 161.8!
Yep, my goal was 162 but I surpassed it by a few points.  Who cares if its just by a few points, I can't believe I did it.  My body has been extremely nice to me this week.  What did I do to deserve it???

So this morning, I sipped my coconut oil, popped my iron pills and chewed on my gummy multi vitamins, I'm all set to go.

Took out a small portion of fried chicken breast, I had in the freezer, chopped it up and threw it in my soup that I'll be having today, along with some other seasoning - salt, black pepper, coconut oil, crushed red pepper & turmeric.  I then chopped up some cantaloupe and placed that in my lunch bag along with a tangerine.  What I realized with the tangerines is that if I eat (swallow) the seeds it helps with a good BM in the morning.

Remember, I said I dreamt about chocolates?  I have a small box of chocolates, that someone had give me for Valentines Day in my office desk, there's about 5 pieces in the box.  When I got to work this morning I put the box in the freezer, if I'm tempted, I like my chocolates cold and solid.

Although I lost weight, I don't like that I had problems consuming my lemonade and that my water intake was low.  I'm really going to look at how I can tweak it so that I can get the proper amount of calories in to make this work for the next few weeks.

Here's hoping I don't go over 5 lbs this weekend.

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